Social Responsibility with Respect

by / Tuesday, 01 March 2022 /
Post Image TMD would like to remind pet owners in Lippo Village to maintain the comfort of other residents and the surrounding environment. You are responsible for them not only for a month, a year or 2 years, but it takes a lifetime commitment throughout their life – even when they are old.

Observe how to prevent your pet from causing a nuisance:
  1. Know the nature of the pet. Make sure it is not a vicious and aggressive animal. Exotic animals and extreme animals such as monkeys, hunting dogs will require special knowledge and handling. If you are not sure, do not try to have it. We recommend that you keep domestic animals that are commonly kept and are not included in illegal animals.
  2. Do not let them roam freely unattended and use a leash when walking out of the house. If roaming around without supervision, whether intentional or not, TMD will consider it a wild animal and can be caught by the Animal Control Team vendor, even if the pet has a neck collar. In this case, TMD cannot be prosecuted for its safety.
  3. Do not leave your pet’s feces in your neighbour’s garden or public areas. Always carry a paper/plastic bag and clean after your pet!
  4. Animals are living things that can be stressed and feel discomfort. Always pay attention to their health and wellness, such as providing their meals and drink, spare time to play, having a clean and proper cage within your property area, giving completed vaccines, and training them. Adjust the number according to the size of your house.
  5. No farm or traded animals. This is in accordance with the TMD rules and regulations which prevent this practice in Lippo Village, including animal slaughtering. Therefore avoid to keep animals such as chickens, ducks, goats, etc.

Resident’s obligations for their pets have been fully regulated in the House Rules and the applicable laws and regulations. TMD in collaboration with the related Governments can take actions that are deemed necessary in the event of a violation. The owner is fully responsible for his pet and all the risks that arise, including if the pet does an act that endangers other people/other animals.

Let's maintain harmony with one another. Respect your neighbor's right to live safely and comfortably in Lippo Village.

Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay