Fostering a Harmonious and Clean Environment

by TM / Monday, 01 April 2024 /
Post Image Want to make your house greener? That's a great idea and we appreciated your effort, as long as you stick to planting on your own land.

But remember, community spaces like verge patches, nearby empty plots, and road shoulders aren't the best spots for your personal gardening. These areas are under the care of TMD, which maintains them for everyone’s enjoyment - some might even belong to private owners. When TMD spots non-approved plants or trees that clash with the local landscaping plans - think bananas, papayas, mangos, or butterfly pea flowers - they'll be removed to preserve the communal design and function. Plus, important utility lines run beneath these areas and could get damaged.

Keeping these spaces neat is part of TMD's job. They have schedules for tidying up and trimming trees, even though sometimes nature has her own plans and grass shoots up faster after rainy periods - that's when extra mowing comes in.

But we also need your help with upkeep at home. Make sure your garden is tidy and check your plants – particularly any that hold water and could attract mosquitoes like Bromeliads or banana plants. And if you've got a pool? Keep it from turning into a stagnant mosquito haven. By being proactive, we can all reduce the chances of mosquito-borne diseases. While TMD is on top of monthly pest control, your vigilance makes a big difference in our communal health.

Together, let’s make our homes an inviting place that’s both clean and vibrant!