Your Pets and COVID-19

by / Wednesday, 01 September 2021 /
Post Image Can pets, especially cats and dogs, catch COVID-19?

Recently revealed by the Directorate of Animal Health @direktoratkesehatanhewan, pets can catch the virus when in close contact with humans who are infected with COVID-19.
However, there is no scientific evidence to show that pets can re-transmit COVID-19 to humans or other animals.

Symptoms of your pet having COVID-19 are fever, cough, difficulty breathing, lethargy, runny nose, sneezing, eye discharge, vomiting and diarrhea.

Immediately contact the nearest veterinarian if your pet has these symptoms. Your doctor may recommend that your pet be isolated at home. Keep in mind and strictly follow the advice on protective measures for yourself and others.

Learn on how to anticipate COVID-19 for your pets:

Limit contact, stay indoors
This prevents your pet from having contact with other animals or people outside. Don’t let your pet roam outside without your supervision.

2. Keep your distance
If you take him out for a walk, stay away from crowded locations and stay 2 meters away from animals or other people. Do not put a mask or cover the nose and mouth of your pet because it can be dangerous for them. Pick up after your pet's feces immediately. Parks, green areas or verges are not public toilets for your pet! Don't let your animal waste become a source of disease. Teach your household staff about this.

3. Avoid contact with people with COVID-19
If you or your family is confirmed positive, do not have physical contact with your pet, such as kissing, hugging or sleeping in the same bed. Wear a mask when in contact with them.

4. Always keep clean and pay attention to their health
Pay attention to the cleanliness of pets and their cages. Provide sufficient food and drink. Complete its vaccinations and check the health condition of your pet regularly. Don't let your pet be a nuisance to your surroundings.

Animals that are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 are mostly mild and can recover. Don't ever abandon your pets!


Cover Photo by Koen Eijkelenboom on Unsplash 
Photo by Atoms on Unsplash