Health Corner: Myths About Strokes

by / Saturday, 10 October 2020 /
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by Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village

October 29 is celebrated as the World Stroke Day to raise awareness of the serious nature and high risks of strokes, prevention and treatment of the condition and ensure proper care for stroke survivors.

Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced due to a blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Without blood, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrients, so that cells in some areas of the brain will die. This condition causes the parts of the body that are controlled by the damaged brain area to not function properly.

It is an emergency condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible, as the brain cells can die in just minutes. Stroke sufferers need fast help, especially in the early hours of a stroke so as not to cause more severe complications.

However, various myths related to stroke are found in the community. These myths are often misleading and make patients late in getting medical treatment. 

Here are the important facts behind a number of stroke myths that often circulate in the community:

Myth 1: Stroke only affects the elderly
Fact: Stroke can also attack at a young age. Data in Indonesia shows that 3.8% of strokes occur under 45 years of age. Diabetes, heart problems, excess body weight, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, smoking habits, and high stress increase the risk of stroke.

Myth 2: Stroke is a type of heart attack
Fact: The two are closely related, but not the same. Stroke is a blockage or rupture of a brain blood vessel resulting in brain damage.

Myth 3: Inserting a needle into your finger until it bleeds can treat a stroke
Fact: There are two types of strokes, namely ischemic (blockage) and hemorrhagic (ruptured blood vessels). Inserting a needle does not work for both types of stroke and will actually slow down treatment which can lead to death.

Myth 4: Stroke cannot be cured
Fact: A stroke that is treated immediately can minimize disability and save lives. The chance of recovery is greater if handling is done in the golden period (less than 4.5 hours).

Myth 5: Including diseases that cannot be prevented
Fact: Nearly 80% of strokes can be prevented by implementing "healthy" lifestyle behaviors, namely, going for regular health checks, overcoming diseases with prompt and appropriate treatment, keep consuming balanced nutritious foods, strive for safe physical activity, avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks.

Stroke is a disease that can cause death and disability, so make sure you get correct and valid information about stroke. Remember "BEWARE of the Stroke!" that is, if you have weak limbs, asymmetrical face, or speech problems, go to the hospital immediately, because every second is valuable to your life.