by / Monday, 10 August 2020 /
Post Image Contributed by: dr. Anthony Berlim, Sp.B Dokter Spesialist Bedah Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village

Generally, the treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out by conventional surgery. In the process, the patient has to undergo surgery to remove the dilated network of blood vessels. This technique is now widely avoided because it causes considerable pain after surgery and the wound healing process is quite long.

Know the Stage of Your Hemorrhoids

Before knowing the hemorrhoid healing techniques, we should know the level or stage of the hemorrhoids first. Hemorrhoids are a disease characterized by widening of the veins in the anal area. Hemorrhoids are generally caused by the habit of straining due to hard bowel movements or from sitting too long. This over time makes blood flow in the anal area not smooth.

In addition, there are several other factors that can trigger hemorrhoids, including obesity (overweight), pregnancy, chronic coughing, old age, and the habit of lifting heavy weights. This condition can occur to anyone, but usually attacks at the productive age, which is the age range of 20 y.o above.

In the early stages, sometimes hemorrhoids are still mild and do not cause serious symptoms. You can recognize hemorrhoids from the following:
• Bleeding during a bowel movement, bright red.
• There is mucus after bowel movements.
• There is swelling or a lump that appears small in the anal canal.
• Pain, itching, to redness in the around the anus.

The symptoms above are also divided by severity:

• Stage 1: The rectum bleeds.
• Stage 2: Swelling that causes a bulge out of the rectum, but can re-enter on its own if contractions occur.
• Stage 3: The protrusion is protruding from the rectum and can only be inserted back with the help of a finger.
• Stage 4: Bulge out of the rectum, becomes permanent and cannot be inserted again.

Treatment with the DG-HAL RAR Technique

Currently hemorrhoid patients do not need to worry about undergoing the treatment process. It can be treated with the latest techniques, namely Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation-Recto Anal Repair (DG-HAL RAR). The DG-HAL RAR method is able to treat hemorrhoids with minimally invasive techniques or without a scalpel, and can treat the cases ranging from one to four severity degrees.

The process of treating hemorrhoids using the new DG-HAL RAR technique brings a number of advantages to the patient, including:
• Without cutting the tissue, there is no surgical incision wound, thus minimizing pain.
• Lower risk of complications and free from tissue damage.
• The healing process is relatively better and faster.
• The length of treatment is generally only one day, so the patient will go home faster.
• On day 2 and 3, the patient can back to normal activities.

With all these advantages, more than 90% of patients not only recover more easily, but also avoid the symptoms of hemorrhoids in the first postoperative year. Another good news, this newest method of hemorrhoid healing is available at Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village. So, you don't need to be confused and go far to get this painless hemorrhoid treatment service.