Handwashing and Saving Water

by / Wednesday, 15 April 2020 /
Post Image Proper handwashing remains the No. 1 tip to reduce and prevent the spread of Covid-19. It works! However, it must be done properly with soap and water.

It is recommended to wash your hands after visiting a public space or touching a surface outside your house, after sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose, after using the toilet or taking out garbage, before and after eating. By rigorously following this hygiene practice, you would have washed your hands a minimum of 10 times a day, at least. If a single 20-second wash and rinsing uses at least two liters of water, it’s means more than half a gallon. For a family of four to wash minimum 10 times a day each, that amounts to 80 liters just for handwashing. It does seem to be quite a lot of water!

What you can do? Can I still save and conserve water?

When you do the handwashing, please turn off the tap while you scrub – it can save a lot of water. Wet your hands first before adding soap, then turn-off the running water and scrub for a least 20 seconds and then, rinse. This may seem like a small amount of water, but if everyone in the world uses this tip, it will add up to a lot water being saved. And for sure you won’t be surprised when receiving your water bills.

Keep the world healthy, safe and sustainable.