Your Voice Matters

by / Monday, 15 April 2019 /
Post Image The upcoming elections to be held on 17 April 2019 will be very special and Indonesians will elect their President and Vice President, as well as members of the DPR-RI, members of the Provincial DPRD, members of the Regency / City DPRD and DPD members.

Use your right to vote on 17 April 2019! TMD cooperated with KPU and the Local Government to arrange the voting locations (TPS) in 3 areas, as follows:

• Lippo Village Central (Kelurahan Bencongan Indah and Kelapa Dua) : TPS 28 – 37 and 72 at Maxx Box Lippo Village
• Lippo Village West (Keluarahan Binong) : TPS 141 – 160 at Permata Sports Club
• Lippo Village North (Kelurahan Panunggangan Barat) : TPS 44 – 50 at Taman Holandia

Those who already registered in the voter list and additional voter list can vote from 7 AM to 12 PM, whilst those who are not registered in the final voters list and have reported their voting rights to Kelurahan are categorized as special voters can vote from 12 PM to 1 PM only by bringing the e-KTP.   TMD encourages residents to come early in the morning to hopefully avoid long queues.

Use your right to vote. It is a fundamental right of a citizen to choose their nation’s leaders.

Your voice matters!