Message from Town Management

by TM / Friday, 01 March 2024 /
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Welcome March and Greetings to all!

The holy month of Ramadan is around the corner, and we send our warmest wishes to all our Muslim friends in Lippo Village for a peaceful and fulfilling fast. We hope this time of reflection and prayer will bring blessings, peace and joy to you and your loved ones.

March brings more than just the change of seasons. Many special events and exclusive deals have been tailored just for you. Dive into our activity article for all the details.

At TMD, we're dedicated to serving the vibrant Lippo Village community. We're here to enhance your experience with our reliable public services. For updates on what we accomplished together last month, don't miss out on our February summary.

Belonging to Lippo Village means you're part of something special. To maintain our harmonious way of life, remember that hosting a private gathering requires a permit from TMD and we've made the process smoother for you.

For more captivating reads, click through here. Wishing you an enjoyable read and a splendid March!

Taking Greater Care of You 

Image by lefteye81 from Pixabay