Keep Snakes Away

by / Sunday, 01 October 2023 /
Post Image During the wet season, a variety of insects and wild creatures frequently show up near our homes. This can include moths, cockroaches, and even snakes.

In this issue, let's focus on snakes and how to keep them away from our neighbourhood.

At certain times, snakes can be found in empty lots or residential areas but these types are non-venomous. These include garden snakes (Lycodon Aulicus) and korros snakes (Ptyas Korros).

However, venomous snakes like cobras or welangs may enter the home yards if conditions allow.

So, what can you do to keep these snakes away from your property:
• Illuminate your garden at night since many snakes fear light.
• Ensure your home is clean and free from snake prey, such as rats.
• Seal any holes that could grant access to snakes or their prey. Use floor drains to cover sewerage inside and outdoors.
• Clean your house and/or warehouse regularly; avoid leaving clutter around.
• Dispose of trash, branches, and food waste to prevent snakes from nesting.
• Maintain a tidy yard by cutting grass regularly and trimming tree branches away from roofs.
• Use a fiber or rough plastic mat at your doorstep.
• Snakes dislike strong smells, like floor mops, soap, and camphor.

TMD Animal Control routinely checks landscaped areas, bushes, empty lots, and other remote locations where snakes may nest. Inspections increase in frequency and intensity as the rainy season approaches.

Call Emergency Number 08001900911 or contact nearby security for assistance for any concern or if you find a snake that has entered your yard, for safe removal.

Here are some important facts about snakes:
• Cobras commonly lay eggs in piles of bushes/rocks/wood.
• Cobra eggs typically hatch during November, December, and January.
• Cobra hatchlings are often found in damp places.

What should you do if a snake bites you?
• Stay calm to prevent venom from spreading quickly through your bloodstream.
• Keep the affected limb still.
• Note the time of the bite so doctors can assess the situation and risks.
• If it's on your hand, remove all jewelry to avoid issues with swelling.
• Seek immediate medical attention at a hospital equipped with Anti-Snake Venom Serum (ASVS).

How should we react when encountering a snake?
• Remain composed and avoid attacking, bothering, or killing a calm snake – walk away instead. Snakes typically strike only when feeling threatened.
• Never touch a serpent without caution; even small mistakes can lead to bites. Use items like brooms to gently push them away from your home. They'll leave once they touch the ground.
• Avoid touching a dead snake's head to prevent poisoning.
• Utilize a flashlight when walking at night. Since snakes may roam roads for warmth, shine your flashlight ahead of your body so they'll be drawn to the light rather than you.

Knowing more about snakes and how to deal with them will greatly help in keeping you and your family safe when you encounter them.