5 Easy Tips for Affordable Eco-friendly Living

by / Friday, 01 September 2023 /
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Adopting a sustainable and budget-conscious lifestyle starts with reusing what you have and being mindful of new items you introduce into your life. Affordable sustainability is achievable for everyone.

Here are 5 straightforward tips for eco-friendly living on a budget:

1. Prioritize existing items before purchasing new ones

Resist the temptation to buy trendy zero-waste products right away. Save money by using what you already own. For instance, finish up your current plastic-bottled cleaning supplies before switching to sustainable alternatives.

2. Energy saving
Heed the advice echoing in your mind: turn off lights when leaving a room, unplug electronics when not in use, utilize power strips, and take shorter showers. Plus, air-drying clothes is eco-friendly and free.

3. Outwit your local supermarket
Enjoy sustainable eating without overspending by opting for frozen fruits and veggies. Flash freezing preserves their freshness and nutrients, ensuring an equal level of nourishment as fresh produce without the added cost.

4. Regrow food from scraps
Discarded food scraps can be repurposed to grow a fresh batch of produce, like celery, lettuce, green onions, and more. It's as simple as utilizing a cup of water to get started.

5. Embrace upcycling over buying
Transform old t-shirt rags into paper towels or repurpose jam jars as storage containers. Explore numerous ways to upcycle existing items into useful everyday essentials while keeping the planet in mind. After all, it’s the only planet Earth we have and we need to take care of it for future generations.

Affordable sustainability is achievable for everyone. Let’s try!

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