Caring Through Sharing

by / Tuesday, 01 August 2023 /
Post Image In July 2023, TMD organized two community-focused events.

The event was an English Tutoring program tailored for elementary school students. This collaborative effort between TMD and Pelita Harapan University's Faculty of Education took place in Binong Village. An impressive number of attendees, 169 children, from various RWs in the village eagerly joined the program which will run until December 2023. The inaugural ceremony was held at the Binong Kelurahan Office Hall in Kec. Curug, Kab. Tangerang on July 28th, 2023. The goal of this activity is to offer positive experiences and influences for the community around Lippo Village while educating future generations.


On Thursday, July 6th, TMD hosted a Health Counseling and Checkup event for regional and household workers. Teaming up with Pelita Harapan University, 91 participants gathered at the Integrated Lippo Security Post. The session covered healthy eating, blood pressure and sugar level checks, along with complimentary health consultations. This event aimed to encourage workers to be mindful of their health and nutrition.

TMD continues its mission to share their blessings and spread goodwill by giving that special care to members of their surrounding communities.