Get Rid of Rats Now

by / Friday, 01 July 2022 /
Post Image The presence of this rodent can be very annoying. Rats have a habit of sharpening their teeth and they hone their teeth by chewing on electrical cables, wooden doors, water plumbing and wherever it could that even a rat could make a hole that can damage the foundation of a house.

This rodent is also one of the animals that can transmit the disease, among others: Murine Thypus, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrom, Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurim and Leptospirosis. Among these diseases, Leptospirosis is one of the most dangerous.

Leptospirosis is known as rat urine disease because the disease is usually transmitted through feces and urine rats suffering from leptospirosis. Leptospira bacteria can live in fresh water for about a month, can even survive in damp soil, vegetation and mud in a long time. These germs can swim in water so that it can infect humans who have injured foot or through contaminated food and drink.

Early symptoms of Leptospirosis disease resemble flu symptoms such as high fever, headache, chills and pain. At a later stage symptoms progress to vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, diarrhea and rash. These symptoms usually last a week, and if left untreated can cause damage to kidneys, liver, meningitis, respiratory distress and death.

Keeping Lippo Village a healthy and safe environment is an important function of TMD’s Pest Control Team. The team ensures that pest control measures are in place and steps are routinely taken to keep those nasty pests away! Pests are not only covering insects such as mosquitoes and flies but also rodents (rats). In ideal conditions, a pair or rats can multiply to 2,000 head per year which can be prevented from happening with everyone’s cooperation in taking these steps:

• Monitor that the environment around you is clean at all times.
• Make a habit of healthy living, storing food and drinks properly so as not to attract the rats.
• Dispose waste into garbage container with a secure lid to protect it from animals – dogs, cats and of course, rats.
• Conduct anti-rats measures at your house, by putting rat traps or rat repellent device.

Make sure your house is free from rats and keep them off for a clean and healthy home!