The Rules of the Road - What Cyclists Should Know

by / Thursday, 01 July 2021 /
Post Image Boulevard Palem Raya is a favourite road among cyclists in Lippo Village. The air is fresh and breezy in the morning, and sometimes, it has a misty atmosphere from the canopy of mature trees that line the boulevard. Cyclists do feel energized getting all that oxygen while enjoying the nature.

But, did you know?

Lippo Village roads are unique and different with other residential areas. 85% of access roads in Lippo Village are residential roads, which are directly opposite the residents' houses.

For the convenience and safety of all parties, here are the Rules of the Road established by TMD Lippo Village:

Rule No. 1. Cyclists and drivers have the same rights, the same rules and the same responsibilities when it comes to road sharing. Make sure you are cycling in your lane, not the other’s lane.

Rule No. 2. Cyclists must obey all signs and traffic control devices and ride in the direction of the traffic.

Rule No. 3. Keep a maximum bicycle speed of 25 Kph. Do not speed. The road is not a race track. Cycle for pleasure and exercise.

Rule No. 4. Keep your distance from other cyclists, make sure your bike group consists of a maximum of 6 persons.

Do follow these simple rules and you will find harmony in Lippo Village !

Enjoy the ride and stay cool!