Create A Green Kitchen Corner

by / Sunday, 10 January 2021 /
Post Image It’s the New Year and perhaps you are thinking of ‘refreshing’ the look of your home particularly the kitchen where you spend a lot of time. Renovation or upgrades may be a bit expensive but you can certainly add that fresh look simply, naturally and with very little cost.

How can you spruce up your kitchen décor? Create a green corner! It’s quick and easy. Your kitchen can be the perfect place to grow indoor plant or herbs. Choose the right plant that can help purify the air, add a splash of color or even provide fresh produce year-round.

Here are our recommendations for houseplants that can be a great start, giving a fresh look of your favorite corner in your home, making it more cozy and delightful:

Photos (Epipremnum aureum): they adapt well to a variety of different light conditions and are considered to be relatively drought-tolerant. They are the easiest houseplants to care for and looks excellent when you hang them. 


2) Philodendron: similar with photos, they are another genus of low-maintenance houseplant that look great in hanging baskets. They can grow in bright to medium indirect light and come in a wide variety of shapes and colors and are notorious for being great air-purifiers. 

3) Herbs: it seem like an obvious choice, but nothing better than cooking with fresh, organic, home-grown herbs year-round. Make sure that your kitchen has a location that gets direct and bright sunlight for the majority of the day which make herbs grow easily. Try to plant mint, thyme, rosemary, basil, cilantro and oregano.

4) Snake plant (Sansevieria): commonly known as “mother-in-law’s tongue”, are among the most popular houseplants. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors and generally low-maintenance. They do well in bright to low-light conditions.

5) Rubber tree (Ficus elastica): they are adaptable to a wide variety of growing conditions. When grown indoors, regular pruning keeps their size and shape under control.

Choose and mix different varieties to match the colors and design of your kitchen and enjoy the freshness and warmth that it brings to your home.  

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