Superfoods to Strengthen your Immune System

by / Friday, 05 June 2020 /
Post Image While there is no one way to avoid infection of Coronavirus entirely, strengthening your immune system with particular food ingredients can go a long way to reduce the risk of infection. Good nutrition is crucial for health, particularly in times when the immune system might need to fight back.

Healthy foods that area highly nutritious can help improve the performance of immune system. Here are some types of foods that can help boost your health fast:

1. Antioxidant-rich foods
These includes berries, garlic and onion that are essential for building up the immune system and fights off viruses. They contain Vitamins C, B and E which help reduce the risk of disease and help fight off infections. You can also take eggplants, pumpkins, broccoli or carrots for your meal options as they’re also antioxidant-rich foods. 

2. Anti-inflammatory rich foods
Consuming this type of foods is essential when it comes to the immune system. Eating variety of vegetables and fruits each day can help fight inflammation and ingredients such as turmeric have additional benefits.

3. Zinc
It can be found in a range of foodstuffs including grass-fed beef, lamb, spinach and oysters. It helps skin and bones and is particularly useful for fighting the flu as it attacks the infected cells. You can include zinc in your meal by incorporating more fish and seafood into your day. Eating food rich in zinc is vital when it comes to looking after your immune system, as well as your gut.

4. Live Bacteria Supplement
Most people are aware of how bacteria supplements can benefit you digest food easily but many don’t realise how good they can be at supporting the immune system. A healthy digestive system is very important for boosting the immune system. Over 70 percent of the immune system resides in the lining of the gut and is supported by a diverse community of bacteria. Yogurt contains bacteria that are good for health.  

5. Eggs
Eggs are extremely nutritious food containing more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals including good quality protein, good fats and vitamins A and E. You can get many of these vitamins and minerals from other foods, but the one exception is selenium, a powerful antioxidant that plays a key role in cell health and is found in very few foods including eggs and Brazil nuts. A single egg can provide a quarter of your daily selenium requirement. Lack of selenium can lead to a weakened immune system.

6. Green Tea
It contains flavonoids that are believed to help block the production of virus-spreading enzymes in the body. Green tea is extremely high in antioxidant and can give your body a much-needed boost to help fight infected virus. It is also listed as a metabolism boosters which is vital to maintaining a healthy, well-flushed body.

Choose your foods wisely and get maximum benefit to maintain your health as well as boost your immune system! 

A Superfood Plate

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