Save Water. Save The Planet.

by / Sunday, 15 March 2020 /
Post Image World Water Day 2020 will be commemorated on 22 March. It will be marked by stressing the importance of Water and Climate Change; and how the two are inextricably linked. Adapting to the water effects of climate change will protect health and save lives. Using water more efficiently will reduce greenhouse gases. We cannot afford to wait. Everyone has a role to play. (

Climate change increases variability in the water cycle, inducing extreme weather events, reducing the predictability of water availability, affecting water quality and threatening sustainable development and biodiversity worldwide.

Water is our most precious resource, we must use it more responsibility. Climate change has already impacted our daily life, but there is one simple step you can take immediately that will make a big difference: DON’T WASTE WATER.

Check out all the easy lifestyle changes on how conserve water will have to stop climate breakdown:

1. Turn off the taps
Save 6 litres of water a minutes by turning off your tap while you brush your teeth. Don’t let your water consumption run out of control. Check and fix for any leaky taps, to stop what could be 60 litres of water going straight down the drain every week.

2. Shower with less
You may set a timer to keep your shower short and water-saving. Every minute you spend in a power shower uses up to 17 litres of water. Try to switch to an efficient shower head that allow you to use less water. You will save water and of course cut your water bills.

3. Boil what you need
Save water, money and energy by only boiling as many cups of water as you need.

4. Wash with Full Load
Washing a full machine load of clothes uses less water and energy than 2 half-loads. Again, means lower bills as well.

5. Quality and seasonal eating
By cutting down on meat and dairy and eating seasonal vegetables you will be helping to conserve water. The meat and dairy industries are big contributors to global warming.

6. Steam your veggies
Steam will cut water usage for your food and retain more of the natural nutrients, but if you boil it, try using the water left from steaming as a tasty soup stock or let it cool and use it as water plants.

7. Time your gardening
You can water the outdoor plants early in the morning or at the end of the day to stop evaporation in sunlight and heat. The water will go straight to the roots where it’s needed if you water the soil during the right time. You can also cut water use by 33% by using a water bucket instead of using automatic sprinklers.

8. Check sewerage pipes
Regularly check your kitchen pipes and the dishwasher hose for slow leaks. If you find any leaks, repair immediately to stop water being wasted.

Let’s work together to conserve water and do our part to help save the planet.
It is for our own benefit, at the same time, we save costs!

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