Protect Your Assets.

by / Saturday, 15 February 2020 /
Post Image Where we choose to live depends largely on the neighborhood and community and factors such as whether the location is convenient, orderly, clean and has low or no crime rate. A safe and secure neighborhood also means that the value of your property asset is protected and preserved.

To ensure the security and safety of Lippo Village is a top most priority of the TMD Protective Services. The security force continues to improve and innovate to create a peaceful and orderly town using technology and intelligent monitoring of activities inside the town to reduce and even eliminate possible threats to personal safety of our residents.

In addition to 24 hours’ security patrol, we are increasing the number of CCTVs installed this year. Last year, we have installed a total of 130 CCTVs in public roads, intersections, boundaries and residential clusters. Perimeter fencing have already started and will continue as well as installation of boom gates to keep entry exclusive to residents only and their household members or guests in their clusters.

Whilst these measures may seem to be more than adequate to provide security, everyone needs to take personal responsibility for their own security and safety.

Personal responsibility for safety is about us working together and caring for people around us. This makes for a harmonious and orderly community which we all desire.

Here are simple practical steps to carry out to protect our personal assets starting from our own doorsteps:

• Park your vehicles inside your carport or within your property area. Keep it locked at all times, remove valuables from sight and turn the alarm on. Do not park on the street curbs to deter theft and damage from passing vehicles or causing a disturbance to your neighbor’s road access.

• Put your valuables in a locked cabinet or safety box. Put away your mobile devices such as handphones, laptop and money from plain sight of others and be responsible where you place it even in your own home.

• Lock up your home, even near to reach windows, so as not to attract outside perpetrators.

In the event of a security breach in your home, please report immediately to our 24 hours’ Emergency and our Protective Services Officer will be deployed immediately to help you. Filing and reporting the case to the Police Authorities will be required in order for you to be able to pursue the case with the court and will prevent repeated actions by the perpetrator(s) in our town or elsewhere.

Do contact the nearest security officer in your cluster or call our emergency officers anytime at 0800 1900 911 (toll-free) if you hear or see anything suspicious in your area. Inform your family members and house staff to keep them aware and alert at all times.

Crime happens because of an opportunity. Don’t let it happen! Protect Yourself.