Message from Town Management

by / Wednesday, 15 January 2020 /
Post Image Greetings to all and a very Happy New Year! May 2020 bring more blessings, more happiness and more success to you and your families.
Looking back to 2019, we are grateful that you have been with us throughout our journey of new beginnings, new initiatives and a new outlook for TMD as we embrace our new and youthful talented team members bringing in fresh and innovative ideas that brought to you a more vibrant and better Lippo Village. 

The New Year started with all of us experiencing extreme weather conditions in the Jabodetabek areas never seen in many years. It reminded us of the necessity to be always prepared for any type of emergency particularly when natural disasters happen. Rest assured, our team are well prepared to handle emergency conditions and this was proven during the heavy rainfall that caused flooding in certain areas when our Emergency Task Force was deployed immediately and worked all night and throughout the following days to ensure that our town resumed normal operations and everyone was kept safe. Thank you for your wonderful cooperation and for helping out in your own way, to clean up your premises that made a huge difference in getting back on our feet as fast as we can! 
Indeed, opportunities to rejuvenate our spirit, to be better persons and community members, presents itself each day. TMD will advance in 2020 with plans and programs that will make a big impact on your daily life in Lippo Village. Providing for the continuation of existing and ongoing TMD municipal services, maintenance and repairs of existing infrastructure, environmental and security services, TMD is advancing towards 2020 and beyond with infrastructure replacements and completing CCTVs planned installations for better town security surveillance, boom gates at residential clusters and additional levels of services with emergency planning, use of technology in reaching out and to delight you with our fast response and trustworthy customer service.
Enjoy our first edition for 2020. We have devoted most of the articles on what to do to prepare ourselves for the eventuality of heavy rainfalls and what to expect. The next quarter has been forecasted by BKMG to bring more downpour to our city but preparedness is the best way to face this challenge. We hope that you find the information valuable. 

We will keep you updated on our community programs and we hope to see you more at these events. Car Free Day is now every Saturday starting next month, February. Walk, run, jog, cycle to start the New Year for a more fit and healthy lifestyle. 

Celebrating the Chinese New Year is early this 2020. We wish our residents who celebrate a joyous time with your families and friends and may it bring more success and prosperity. 

For all of us, may we be showered with blessings that will make us happy and the grace to face the challenges ahead that will keep us strong.

A blessed and happy 2020!