Save Money on Water Bills

by / Tuesday, 15 October 2019 /
Post Image Have you checked your own water meter lately?

It is easy to read and find out if you have a leak in your water pipes, sinks, closets and bathrooms. 
Almost each house in Lippo Village has a water meter installed. It is located at the front of your house so that officers from our Water and Sanitation Department can easily access to take your water consumption reading. The water meter reading is accurate and bills are generated based on the monthly water reading taken from your water meter.

There may be a time when you notice a surge in your water consumption. This can be caused by internal water leaks that goes unnoticed. Take the time to check and read your own water meter. If you notice a big jump in the numbers, check immediately for leaks. Do not wait until you receive a bill with a high amount to be paid. Fix internal leaks immediately. It is simply prudent to do so. Contact our Customer Service Call Center at 55 777 557 if you need help from our Water Department to check if there are leaks in your water pipes to avoid high water bills.

What is the common cause for a high water bill? Watch out for running water from your toilet. This will cause a huge increase in your normal water use. Leaks can also come from a dripping faucet or shower. Have these corrected immediately.

When checking your water meter, look for signs if the dial keeps spinning even if no one is using water. Contact TMD immediately for a replacement of the water meter. 

If you are going away for a prolonged holiday, you can request TMD to lock the water meter to prevent a possible rise in water consumption in case of leaks or suspected misuse. Locking and reopening the water meter when you return is a free service by TMD. We want you to avoid paying high water bills should there be a leak because you are charged and responsible for the payment of the water rates based on the accurate water meter reading done monthly.

Our Water and Sanitation Department officers conduct a routine check of the water meters in Lippo Village residences to ensure that your water meter is in good condition and accurate. Please give them access and we request that you do not tie your dog near the location of the water meter or cover the water meter using pots or heavy materials. We seek your cooperation not to obstruct the water meter as this is an important utility provided to you and an accurate reading must be done monthly to reflect your actual water consumption. 
You can keep your bills down. Be water wise and save money.