Plants for Health

by / Sunday, 15 September 2019 /
Post Image Did you know that Indonesia has many plant varieties you can choose from to plant throughout the year in your garden?

To beautify our garden, we tend to select ornamental plants that add colour with its flowers. Fruit trees are also popular although we need to take care in choosing the type of tree and avoid those with fast growing but damaging root system.

In recent times, there is a growing trend of people going back to old an natural remedies with the abundance of medical plants readily available in the market.

Medical plants are not less beautiful than ornamental plants. In fact, you can always plant them next to with your ornamental plants or flowers. One of the advantages of this type of plants is that they usually more resistant to pests and diseases due to the natural substances they have.

In selecting which medicinal plant suits you most, know more of its benefits and how to use the plants appropriately, whether they can be in good company with your existing plants and garden elements.

Which are the best medicinal plant or herb? We have listed a few with its health properties which we hope will benefit you and your family:

• Aloe Vera : recognised as a hair fertilizer, it is also known to relieve coughs
• Galangai : in addition to using the herb for cooking, it can also cure skin fungus on the skin
• Ginger : cures coughs and rheumatism as it generates a sense of warmth
• Wild Ginger : used to resolve jaundice
• Bay leaves : boiled leaves are able to overcome ulcers and are used to lower blood sugar levels quickly, good for diabetics
• Mahkota Dewa : helps with high blood pressure
• Java Tea : relieve lumbago
• Guava : the leaves can be used to treat bowel disease or diarrhea, the juice is also good for health as it contains lots of vitamin C and good for patients with dengue fever
• Betel : has a good antiseptic content and also used to relieve coughs
• Red Onion : used for treating cold
• Lime : the fruit’s acids can relieve a cough
• Noni (pace) : the fruit is very useful for the body, eating it can relieve osteoporosis

Not only do these plants remedy ailments naturally but having a garden that combines plants for beauty and health purposes can truly enhance our life! Use any vacant plot of land in your home to plant more medicinal plants or put them in pots. The rewards of seeing the plants grow and used for its health benefits are tremendous for our mind and body!