Grow Your Yard Green

by / Friday, 08 February 2019 /
Post Image Mini elephant grass is a great option to grow your yard green. Here’s a simple way to plant and maintain this fast growing, dense grass that can look in no time like a lush green carpet!

Consider to plant grasses in front or at the back of your yard. You just need to choose what kind of grass will be perfect for your yard. One of grass types which can grow easily and has low maintenance is elephant grass (Gajah Mini). The maintenance is more simple if you compare with other grasses such as Golf grass or Japanese grass. Gajah Mini can grow and spread over your yard very quickly and there is no need to cut it off often, especially if they got full sunshine.

How to plant and maintain your Gajah Mini grass :
1) First, loosen the ground using the hoe for 5 to 10 cm and level the ground.
2) Fertilizing the ground with 25 kg fertilizer for every 10 m2 width.
3) One (1) meter grass seedling can be planted for a 5 to 6 m2 area.
4) Spread the seedling in small size +/- 3 to 5 cm and plant it until its root is covered by the soil. Plant in zig-zag pattern.
5) Plant the grass in ideal distance between 8 x 8 cm, however if you want it grow faster, then, plant it in closer distance.
6) Press it softly to let the root stick into the soil and not easily moved.
7) Watering should be done twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon especially during dry season and it’s suggested to use water container or soft spraying to prevent the root to be separated from the soil.
8) Fertilizing can start 2 weeks after the grass has been planted to give nutrients to grow. The grass needs 46% urea, 0.5 kg for 10 m2. Mix the urea with water and spray it to the grass.
9) Routine maintenance can be done once every 3 months’ period.

Very soon, you will be enjoying a beautifully planted grassed lawn!

TMD would like to remind everyone that the green area or verges in front of your house is not part of your property. Therefore if you want to make it more attractive and want to landscaping in this, please discuss with TMD first and get a permit to plant approved variety of trees or plants so as not to cause damage to public underground utilities in that area. Once you have changed the standard landscape at this common area, the responsibility to take care of the plantings shall be yours. Please be also informed that if TMD needs to repair the underground utilities or add or do work in this area, access to TMD shall be granted unconditionally and TMD shall not be held responsible for any changes or removal of the landscape that may occur due to the work. TMD shall restore the verges according to the TMD landscape design standards.