Obey Traffic Rules. Avoid Accidents.

by / Sunday, 01 May 2022 /
Post Image Slow down. Stop. Yield. Look before your cross!

Sounds simple? Sometimes we take these warnings for granted. That’s when accidents are bound to happen.

Be observant. When crossing roads, look out for pedestrian or zebra crossings where you can safely cross roads. A warning to drivers, watch out for pedestrians, slow down and stop. Pedestrians have the right of way. Proceed once the pedestrian has completely crossed the road.

Avoid accidents. Do not make a U-turn when you are not allowed; do not make a turn (left or right) when there are signs that do not allow turns.

Lippo Village Traffic Management is continuously reviewed by the traffic authorities. Traffic regulatory signs are designed to protect all road users and reviewed on a regular basis.

Do inform your household members and guests to follow traffic regulations. Make them aware of these rules so you do not put others at risk. Prevent accidents from happening.

Damages caused by negligent driving will be charged to the violator, including paying the compensation determined by TMD. A driver who causes accidents or serious injury or death to others will be personally liable for such negligence and violation.

Meanwhile, TMD Public Works Department has upgraded more than a hundred traffic signs placed around Lippo Village. The existence of these traffic signs is meant for your safety as well as your family’s.

By knowing the rules of the road, and practicing good driving skills, you help play a vital role in preventing an accident to happen.